LANSING, Mich. -- Five new officers are on the Michigan State Organization Executive Board of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., announces State Director Angela Philmore.
Four of them were elected at the MSO's 51st Leadership Conference held Sept 21-22, 2018 at the Lansing Convention Center; the fifth officer is an appointment. All were installed at the state meeting,
The new officers are as follows:

Elner Bailey Taylor was elected Executive Board Chair. She is former Michigan State Director, 2008-14, and Resident Agent of Birch Haven, 2014-18. She is Basileus of Zeta Beta Zeta Chapter in Flint. Taylor was recently reappointed Resident Agent of Birch Haven by incoming International Grand Basileus Valerie Hollingsworth-Baker. The Idlewild, Mich., property is owned by Zeta's national headquarters.

DeQuanda L. Carson was elected Corresponding Grammateus (Secretary). She is currently MSO Legacy Coordinator as well as 1st Anti-Basileus of Pi Gamma Zeta Chapter in Southfield. Carson is immediate past Basileus of her chapter, where she serves on the Undergraduate, Constitution and Bylaws, and Z-HOPE committees.

The membership voted Sheila Parkman to the Tamias Grammateus position. She is 2nd Anti-Basileus (Vice-President) of Rho Theta Zeta Chapter in the Kalamazoo/Portage area, of which she is a charter member. Parkman is her chapter's Z-HOPE Coordinator. Z-HOPE stands for "Zetas Helping Other People Excel."

Earlene McMichael was elected Publicity Chair/Epistoleus. She is an award-winning newspaper and public radio journalist, most recently honored by the Michigan Association of Broadcasters for her onstage interview with Sybrina Fulton, mother of slain teen Trayvon Martin. She has also interviewed Anita Hill, who is a Zeta. McMichael does communications consulting for nonprofits as well, using her skills in promotion, social media and event planning. She holds a Master's in Journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. She is Grammateus (Secretary) for Rho Theta Zeta Chapter in the Kalamazoo/Portage area.

Sonya Randolph was recently appointed Phylacter (Parliamentarian) for the Michigan State Organization. She finishes the term of Angela Philmore, who was elevated to Michigan State Director in August. Randolph has a passion for this work: She is a member of the National Association of Parliamentarians - Detroit Chapter, and is outgoing Phylacter for her chapter, Zeta Nu Zeta in Inkster, where she is 2nd Anti-Basileus. Her goal is to become a registered parliamentarian. Randolph is the MSO's immediate past Publicity Chair/Epistoleus.